Kindness is something that the world seems to be lacking lately. Although we all know the golden rule, it seems like most folks don’t follow it. Kindness is the glue that can hold humanity together, and we need more of it. That’s why I do my best to teach my daughter how to be kind.
Teaching Kindness with KIND Bar
I admit it. I often forget the value of kindness as well. It’s not that I’m not kind. I just don’t go out of my way all of the time. Just like anyone else, I’ve got deadlines, places to be, scheduling, and all of that. My days are generally scheduled from sun up to sun down, so kindness often falls by the wayside.
That’s what I love what KIND Bar is doing. KIND has been celebrating kindness since the first day of their existence, and their #kindawesome program promotes spreading kindness and kind acts. It’s a reminder to all the Americans out there who, like me, lose sight of how a simple act can help change the world around us, and how much it’s worth the time.
For World Kindness Day, KIND introduced more scalable, shareable #kindawesome cards to help all of use spread kindness more easily. These cards allow us to easily spread kindness with a simple act, and that’s really how we can all make the world better.
My family and I used KIND Bar’s #kindawesome cards as a springboard to spread kindness both in our neighborhood and in our surrounding area. We took a card and a KIND Bar over to our neighbor’s house as a thank you for years of friendship and general neighborliness.
We also took the inspiration from KIND and their #kindawesome cards and donated several toys to Toys for Tots. It was a great feeling for me to spread the love with the help of my kid, and it was a great feeling to see how much my daughter enjoyed spreading it, as well.
Be Kind with KIND
Or at least it could. That’s why I love KIND and their #kindawesome cards. As a country and a world, we’ve forgotten the power of kindness, and KIND is doing its level best to remind us. I’m a big fan. I’m making a commitment to spread more good will, and I hope you will to. For more information about KIND, their #kindawesome cards, and the work they’re doing to make the world a better, happier place, go to and look for @kindsnacks #kindaweseome on social media channels. KIND is doing a great thing, and I think we should all be a part of it.
Be Sure To Follow KIND On Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
I Hope Everyone Has A Safe And KIND Holiday!
I have partnered with Life of Dad and KIND for this promotion.