Later this year we will be treated to yet another entry into the smart watch world. Apple’s iWatch is due later this year and it’s already getting a lot of buzz, both positive and negative.
iWatch concept by Todd Hamilton
Following in the footsteps of Samsung’s Galaxy Gear, Apple is expecting the iWatch to be its “Next Big Thing”. As of right now the price point looks to be around $299.00, which is quite comprable with the PebbleSteel smartwatch and the Galaxy.
Apple would be smart to push it as a “Necessary Accessory”. I think most Apple households would be open to a new addition that could be used with the iPhone, iPod an especially the iPad. Supposedly the biggest problem so far with most of the smart watches has been battery life. But the New York Times did report,”The company has been testing a method to charge the iWatch wirelessly via magnetic induction. Furthermore, Apple may place a solar-charging layer on top of the iWatch’s curved screen to help with battery charging when worn in daylight.”
Most people still don’t feel smart watches are all that practical, but when has technology always been practical…We’re talking about you Google Glass!! It just takes the right company to work out all the bugs and present it in the proper way i.e. a high paid Hollywood celebrity silently contemplating the emptiness that would be their life if they didn’t have a smart watch.
Apple seems up to the task, and I for one already have the iWatch on my “Must Have” list for 2014.